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A breakdown of the armour classes of each unit and the units that have bonus attack vs them. This is only based on their armour classes and bonus damage, not what can trade cost-effectively or works based on micro. Some of these counters are not practical (e.g. Cannon Galleon's bonus damage vs Infantry).
Note: bold denotes the unit name, underlined is unique units and italics is for technologies.




Bonus damage from: Cataphract (+9, +15 with Logistica: Elite +15, +21 with Logistica), Cannon Galleon (+15: Elite +15), Jaguar Warrior (+10: Elite +11), Slinger (+10), Hand Cannonner (+10), Plumed Archer (+1: Elite +2).


Infantry, Spearmen

Bonus damage from: 
Cataphract (+9, +15 with Logistica: Elite +15, +21 with Logistica), 
Hand Cannonner (+11), 
Slinger (+11), 
Jaguar Warrior (+10: Elite +11), 
Plumed Archer (+3: Elite +4), 
Skirmisher-Line (+3), 
Archer-Line (+3), 
Cavalry Archer + Heavy (+2, +6 with Parthian Tactics), 
Rattan Archer + Elite (+2), 
Chu Ko Nu + Elite (+2), 
Longbowman + Elite (+2),
Genitour + Elite (+2), 
Kipchak (+1, +3 with Parthian Tactics: Elite +2, +4 with Parthian Tactics), 
Mangudai (+1, +3 with Parthian Tactics: Elite +2, +4 with Parthian Tactics), 
Elephant Archer + Elite (+2 with Parthian Tactics).


Infantry, Eagle Warrior

Bonus damage from: Cataphract (+9, +15 with Logistica: Elite +15, +21 with Logistica), Cannon Galleon (+15: Elite +15), Jaguar Warrior (+12: Elite +13), Slinger (+10), Hand Cannonner (+10), Two-Handed Swordsman + Champions (+8), Long Swordsman (+6), Teutonic Knight + Elite (+4), Berserk (+2: Elite +3), Samurai (+2: Elite +3), Huskarl (+2: Elite +3), Woad Raider (+2: Elite +3),  Man-at-Arms (+2), Flemish Militia (+2), Serjeant + Elite (+2), Karambit Warrior + Elite (+2), Shotel Warrior + Elite (+2), Throwing Axeman (+1: Elite +2), Plumed Archer (+1: Elite +2), Spearmen-Line (+1), Gbeto + Elite (+1).


Infantry, Unique Unit, Condottiero

Bonus damage from: Cataphract (+9, +15 with Logistica: Elite +15, +21 with Logistica), Samurai (+10: Elite +12), Jaguar Warrior (+10: Elite +11), Slinger (+10), Plumed Archer (+1: Elite +2).

This is a work in progress. I will be adding more over time.


If you notice any mistakes, feel free to contact me on Twitter, Discord or by email (links at the top of the page).

©2022 by JBR_AOE

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